Rails ActionStorage with s3

Sai Adithya Reddy Ch
2 min readFeb 17, 2021

To create a new application: rails new activeStorageTrial

Then enter the folder using cd activeStorageTrial/

Then scaffold a basic application using rails g scaffold imagebox title caption:text

Then migrate the changes using rails db:migrate

At this point you will able to create a post with title and caption, but we need to upload images to our storage

So we will install active storage in our application rails active_storage:install

The migrate the changes again rails db:migrate Then change imagebox_params in /views/app/imageboxes/_form.html to accept the image

To models/imagebox.rb add the following inside class Imagebox

To take image as input add the following code to app/views/_form.html.erb

This will allow us to upload images to our storage. Now to view them using show page, we will do the following

Next, we will try to upload the image to an s3 bucket

Go to aws console and create an s3 bucket

Then create a policy with following permissions:

s3:ListBucket, s3:PutObject, s3:GetObject, and s3:DeleteObject

In resources tab, add bucket name that this policy should apply to.

Next we will create a user

While creating user give it a name and check programmatic access. Then select the policy they you just created.

download the csv and save it.

In config/storage.yml

In this change the access_key_id, secret_access_key, region and bucket to your aws settings.

In config/production.rb change the active storage configuration from local to amazon config.active_storage.service = :amazon

Then to edit our credentials, we use the following command EDITOR=nano rails credentials:edit

TO check this, we will deploy this app to production. First we need to change database from sqlite to posstgres

So, in gemfile remove gem 'sqlite' and add gem 'pg'

add the following to database.yml and then remove the previous configuration.

The run bundle

and change username to your username

Then run the following commands in terminal rake db:setup rake db:migrate

from boot.rb remove require bootsnap remove the gemfile.lock file remove gem bootsnap from the gem file bundle install

line, because it creates problems with heroku deployment. If there is still a problem, downgrade bundle from 2.2.9 to 2.1.4(as of 16 feb 2021)

Then run git add git commit -m "your message" Then create a heroku app using heroku website and follow the instructions on heroku website to deploy the app to heroku.

